Top 5 Tips for Conflict Resolution from an Anti-Violence Worker

Tina Simpson
4 min readMar 5, 2024
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Conflict has a negative connotation because it is very uncomfortable, especially when its between two (or more) people that really love each other.

The first step in relationship strengthening is realizing that there is a very important role for conflict in our lives. It is the bridge that connects us to deeper levels of comfort and understanding. The trick is to keep it healthy.

After over 20 years working within the family system, these 5 skills seem to build the strongest foundation for success:

Ensure that both/all parties are ready for the conversation.

A lot of tension in a difficult conversation can be alleviated by picking a time where all parties who need to engage in the conversation are in a state of mind conducive to listening.

This means that you are not feeling defensive, tired, stressed out, or hungry, to name just a few.

By ensuring both parties are consenting to the conversation, you will have a much greater chance of success.

One party asserting their needs to be met, on their own schedule and without the consideration of the emotional state of the other party (s), is a recipe for conflict.



Tina Simpson

Mediator. Supporting humans making healthy connections with each other. Anti-violence and high risk Social Services provider. Lover of eccentric brains. ❤️