Member-only story
The writer that taught me to never give up
And it’s the last person you would think….
“I am so tired of writing for no one”
The delicate balance between staying true to my style, and writing for everyone else other than myself, hangs ominously over my head while I grapple once again with the idea of stealing my time back, from this passion of mine.
I reach this pinnacle time and time again when competing for attention in the online world.
First, it was Facebook and my friends list. Then I as I matured, it was an online business and social media. Now that I have graduated away from entrepreneurship, I write for myself.
I find myself continually lingering over followers and wonder what is wrong with me.
Then I came across it…
An article, written by a fellow Medium writer.
This article was inarticulate. The grammar was poor, and there was no structure or flow to the content he was writing about. I floated through his profile, and one thing was consistent — his writing was nothing I would ever share.
The irony of my discovery did not escape me; he caught my attention.
The feeling inside was as if I was looking at an accident — I just couldn’t look…